Try DashSense
How Does it Work?
DashSense is purely designed to provide easier, faster and highly interactive dashboard creation and publishing considering your enterprise reporting needs. Thus, enabling you to spare your time for more analysis and decision making.
It also supports your current IT infrastructure such as integration with SSO, Active Directory, Reverse Proxy and many other security platforms.
Enterprise Integration
DashSense kurum içinde bulunan tüm veri kaynaklarına erişerek görsel raporlama ve analizlere yeni bir yaklaşım getirir. Tüm iş ve raporlama süreçlerine yapılan yatırımlar korunarak, kurumun raporlama ve analiz çatısını oluşturur.
Üç Adımda DashSense
DashSense brings a new approach to visualization and reporting of enterprise data. All business and reporting processes can stay the same while DashSense becomes
the main platform for analysis and reporting.
DashSense helps you create dashboards by connecting to enterprise datasources directly in a few clicks.
- Microsoft Sql Server
- Informix
- Oracle
- Teradata
- Sybase IQ
- Hadoop
DashSense Pivhoc transforms data into pivot tables and enables you to analyze your data in deeper detail.
DashSense Viewer is your platform to publish your dashboards and analysis. You can browse your dashboards through the web browsers on your PC/Laptops, tablets and smartphones.
Build once, Use everywhere
Due to its perfect cross-platform reporting ability, DashSense helps your mobile users to reach all your enterprise dashboards and removes the boundaries between you and your data.